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1. Management of Cellulosic Bioresources with Neutral Impact on Environment — 19 April 2017
Authors: • Stefania Daniela BRAN, Eng., email:, Afiliation: POLYTECHNICS University, The Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, Bucharest • Petre CHIPURICI, Assoc. PhD., email:, Afiliation: POLYTECHNICS University, The Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, Bucharest
Abstract: Changes of economy and society, determined by globalization and EU\r\n\r\n joining bring and impose, along all of the human activity segments, new\r\n2014 - 12 - Challenges of the modern economy in the globalisation > Management of Cellulosic Bioresources with Neutral Impact on Environment
2. The Tax Evasion and the Underground Economy Affect the Confidence in the Economy — 10 June 2017
Authors: • Adrian Ducu MATEI, PhD Lecturer, email:, Afiliation: “Athenaeum” University of Bucharest
Abstract: Abstract\r\n\r\n The article highlights a major problem existing in both transition\r\n\r\n economies and developed economies respectively on tax evas2014 - 12 - Challenges of the modern economy in the globalisation > The Tax Evasion and the Underground Economy Affect the Confidence in the Economy