Athenaeum University

Double Blind Review Evaluation



Giuseppe Garibaldi No. 2A
Bucharest, Romania


Tel: +4
Fax: +4



Author Guidelines


To ensure uniformity of editing, the authors are required to follow the rules mentioned hereby:

Text editor WinWord;

Maximum number of pages for the Conference in May: 8-10

Maximum number of pages for Conference in December: 4 (2000 characters);

Page setup: paper size A4, Orientation Portrait, Margins: top = 4.5 cm (1.77 in), bottom = 4.5 cm (1.77 in), left = 4 cm (1.58 in), right = 4 cm (1.58 in). Font: Times New Roman;

The working language of the Conference will be English.

Title: capitals, bold, size 14, centered;

Author(s) presentation: name and surname, the scientific/academic titles of the author(s), the institution and email address written under the title of the paper, centered.

The abstract will comprise approximately 10 lines, size 11, Italic;

Keywords: maximum 5, size 11, Italic;

Classification JEL: size 11, Italic

Chapter or paragraph titles: bold, size 11;

Paragraph numbering: Arabic numbers;

Body text: Times New Roman, Regular, 12 pt., Justified;

Indentation, paragraph titles: one Tab (1.27 cm) to the left of the page;

Line spacing: between the lines of the text and the chapter / paragraph, between the chapter / paragraph title and the first line of the text: 1 line;

Between the top margin and the paper title, between the paper title and the author’s name, between the author’s name and the abstract, between the abstract and the first line of the text/the title of the first chapter/paragraph: 2 lines;

In-text references will be written in brackets, and the references to formulas between parentheses;


References: at the end of the paper;

The pages will not be numbered.