Athenaeum University

Double Blind Review Evaluation



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Using Different Types of Data in the Open-Source Business Applications


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  1. Authors:
      • Danut - Octavian SIMION, PhD., email:, Afiliation: Economic Informatics Department Athenaeum University, Bucharest, Romania
      • Cosmin OLTEANU, PhD., email:, Afiliation: “Athenaeum” University of Bucharest

      • 232|243

  2. Keywords: Java pack/unpack methods, Java objects integration, XML files, open-source Java components, UML diagram, business applications.

  3. Abstract:
    The paper presents the study cases for using different types of data in the\r\n \r\n open-source business applications. These types of applications may use various \r\n \r\n sets of data that come from XML files, DBMS-s, simple files or results from other \r\n \r\n business applications. A different way of using these data is to pack them through \r\n \r\n Java methods and unpack them through other Java methods that are persistent in \r\n \r\n the same package. The data will be encoded and prepared in the Java classes to be \r\n \r\n used be open-source applications. The methods used for packing and unpacking \r\n \r\n data is addressed to a client-server communication that is the most common way to \r\n \r\n transfer data from server side to client side through applications, even if those are \r\n \r\n Web based or other types. The Java package that perform these tasks is custom \r\n \r\n and easy to use be every type of open-source business applications and may \r\n \r\n integrate it into the source code of the business logic. Using Java programming \r\n \r\n language to develop this package makes possible the integration of data into any \r\n \r\n type of open-source applications and even to build a separate business service for \r\n \r\n communications with other business applications. \r\n

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